I am using SMSCAster CDMA with Huawei EC169 USB modem and sending is successful but not receiving.
Answer by
Robert Polubinski
To be able to receive, go to the configuration screen and make sure that the phone is properly configured by the application. You need the SMSC defined correctly. Tрe SMSC is actually the SMS centre. If there is nothing defined, then you can't Receive any SMS. Additionally, double-check the number you gave to receive SMS. Even a single wrong number will make it impossible to receive messages.
Yes, you can use it to send messages from one country to another but this product targets e-marketing. The service costs a lot of money because it can send many SMSs in one batch process. Try using Viber or WhatsApp to send messages to your friends, for free, only using the Internet.
how do i have a pay version of this apps / software SMSCaster E-Marketer GSM Standard v3.7
I am using SMSCAster CDMA with Huawei EC169 USB modem and sending is successful but not receiving.
To be able to receive, go to the configuration screen and make sure that the phone is properly configured by the application. You need the SMSC defined correctly. Tрe SMSC is actually the SMS centre. If there is nothing defined, then you can't Receive any SMS. Additionally, double-check the number you gave to receive SMS. Even a single wrong number will make it impossible to receive messages.
Yes, you can use it to send messages from one country to another but this product targets e-marketing. The service costs a lot of money because it can send many SMSs in one batch process. Try using Viber or WhatsApp to send messages to your friends, for free, only using the Internet.